Below are some of the nicest people we know--our wonderful supporters. Without them, we couldn't do what we do. (Thanks, you guys!!)

Same old story: Hurry up and wait... Ken, Jim and Tim (National Convention 2002 - Charlotte, NC)

John Ken (Jill's hubby and Andi's dad)
Stan and Carol (Carol is a former SO469 member whose health keeps her from marching with us.
She sure is missed! Stan continues to help with hotel bookings, parade videos and whatever we ask of him. They're great folks and were with us in St. Louis for our championship win.)

Lexy Sharon

Jim (Cindi's hubby, Vikki's dad, and our "Head Beyatch")
Ma Butter, who got the whole SO469 ball rolling Mike

Mike and Diana Conway (Mike marches with 469's Roughriders)
Tim (Diana's hubby and Stepho's dad) Roy
Marshall, who used to march with Cathy and Diana's dad in the Roughriders


Ben Norm and Chuck

Roy & Ellie (Ellie is a former SO469 member) and Roy used to march with the Roughriders)

Joe Grandpa Joanie Tom, caught in a rare and beautiful moment